About Me
Ever since I got my first Kodak camera for my 10th birthday, I've loved photography. I studied darkroom techniques in B&W and colour in university while doing my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the University of Ottawa, and continued to do travel photography in East and West Africa, Asia, and Europe for fun in my 20s. It wasn't until 2012 after taking time off to raise my twins, that I took the plunge and decided to start my own photography business; Joy in Motion Photography.
I started working with schools under Green Apple for a few years, before going independent and introducing my own style of portraits for children. With the desire to bring a better quality and value to school photography, I go above and beyond to deliver high quality portraits set apart from the standard poses. Both schools and parents have been very receptive to my format and methodologies, and most of all my ability to bring out the real personalities of their children.